Posts tagged Dennis Kosuge
Certificate of Excellence 2022 - iWantGreatCare

Mr Kosuge is delighted to have been awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence for 2022. He is extremely delighted and wishes to thank his patients for the great feedback they have provided over the past year. This would not have been possible without the efforts of the marvellous team he works with both at The Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Rivers Hospital.

In addition to this, Mr Kosuge is also grateful for the patient correspondences he receives. Below are two such recent examples:

Mr Kosuge uses the feedback as a learning opportunity. In addition, each feedback re-affirms his motivation to keep his patients at the core of his clinical practice. Mr Kosuge would like to take this opportunity to thank his patients for the feedback and support.

Decision-making for Hip and Knee Replacement

The decision about whether you opt to have a hip or knee replacement is a big one. It involves taking into consideration the level of pain your hip or knee condition is causing, along with how this is affecting your quality of life. Surgery is an option to consider when non-operative management options have been exhausted. In your decision-making, you may weigh up the benefits of surgery against risks/complications associated with surgery. For some, surgery is not always the best option and patients can experience long-term pain or complications following a hip or knee replacement. As such, it is important that you understand the choices available and make an informed decision.

There are many factors which may influence the outcome and risks of surgery e.g. patient age, sex, medical conditions, surgical technique, type of joint replacement used. Mr Kosuge is a believer in patients being active partners in the decision-making process so that individual outcomes can be improved.

In addition to discussions held between you and Mr Kosuge during out-patient consultations, Mr Kosuge recommends a number of other resources in different formats:

Another useful patient decision-making tool is JointCalc. This was developed in conjunction with patients and carers. Using personal characteristics (such as age, weight, height, and type of surgery), and data from the National Joint Registry and NHS Digital, the tool gives patients a personalised estimation of pain and function after the operation, risk of dying after the operation, and the risk of needing revision surgery.

Making an informed decision is in the best interests of patients and Mr Kosuge encourages you to explore the available resources. For further information, please visit the 'Preparing for Surgery’ section on this website.