Posts tagged Knee Surgeon
New Patient Information Booklet & Mr Kosuge's 300th Patient Review on iWantGreatCare

Mr Kosuge is pleased to announce the publication of another patient information booklet aimed for patients considering a hip joint injection.

A hip joint injection can be used as a diagnostic investigation when the source to clarify the source of your pain. Alternatively, it can be used as a therapeutic tool to alleviate pain that is arising from your hip joint. Whilst the procedure is the same in both, the medication injected will differ. For further information, please feel free to browse the booklet.

In other news, Mr Kosuge received his 300th patient feedback on iWantGreatCare. Mr Kosuge is extremely grateful to his patients for taking time out of their busy lives to complete such overwhelmingly positive feedback:

‘He is the best ! I can’t thank him enough. After only 8 weeks from a knee replacement I am back playing golf. And walking 18 holes. I have recommended him to 5 other people who are waiting for surgery. I am not in any pain from my knee, but unfortunately I had to wait so long for surgery, because my knee was so painful I had to put pressure on my hip so now I think I will need a hip replacement very soon. Thanks Dennis Kosuge you are one lovely person.’

‘I had a hip replacement which has been successful. From the initial consultation to the final consultation Dennis Kosuge was always very good at listening and caring. His instructions were explicit and always gave explanations as to what was going to happen and what did happen. At all times I felt confident with the procedure I was going to go through.’

For appointments with Mr Kosuge, please call 01279 602675 or request online. For enquiries, please call 01279 602718.

Patient Information Leaflets

It is Mr Kosuge’s belief that patient information is fundamental to high-quality patient-centred care. Having a better understanding of your condition puts you in a better position to self-manage and make informed choices regarding any further treatment you may wish to pursue. It is on that note that Mr Kosuge is delighted to publish two further patient information leaflets:

Failed Hip Replacements - over 100 000 hip replacements are performed in England and Wales each year. This can be transformative in terms of improving patients quality of life. The majority of patients find that their hip replacement serves them well over a long period. However, hip replacements do eventually fail and this can lead to pain around your hip. Revision hip replacement surgery is an operation that involves re-doing part of, or all of, a hip replacement. If you have a hip replacement that is causing you problems, you may find this patient information leaflet useful.

Lower Back Pain - this is a very common problem and more often than not, the pain can improve with self-management measures. Lower back conditions can be confused with hip or knee problems given the close proximity of your lower back to the hip and also because of a phenomenon known as ‘referred’ pain. You may feel pain around your hip or knee but the pain may actually be originating from a problem in your lower back. It is not uncommon for Mr Kosuge to be referred patients with pain around their hip or knee only to be diagnosed with a lower back condition. If you feel you may have a problem in your lower back, you may find this patient information leaflet useful.

For access to all of Mr Kosuge’s patient information leaflets, please click here.