Posts in COVID-19
COVID-19 second wave - effects on elective surgical activity at The Princess Alexandra Hospital

The increasing rates of COVID-19 due to the second wave has led to increasing patient admissions into The Princess Alexandra Hospital. Due to the loss of resources as a direct result of this, and along with the increasing ‘winter pressures’, it has affected our ability to provide routine elective surgery. The trust is reviewing the situation on a weekly basis but for the past three weeks, no elective in-patient orthopaedic surgery has taken place. Day surgery operations are still being performed on a selective basis. Please be aware that all emergency operations (e.g. fractures, infected joints) are still being performed.

Mr Kosuge is working with the hospital to look at ways to re-establish elective in-patient operating in a manner that meets the safety criteria required. It has been a challenge with regional COVID-19 rates increasing rather than falling. Rates of COVID-19 in many areas of Essex are now higher than the national average - e.g. Harlow 234.3 per 100 000 and England 156.2 per 100 000 in the week to 6th December 2020.

It was reassuring to see the COVID-19 vaccination programme roll-out last week. However, Mr Kosuge advises you to continue to remain vigilant and to adhere to the government rules pertaining to COVID-19. The NHS has published information about the vaccine.

The British Orthopaedic Association published their latest statement regarding elective activity, waiting lists and restarting. For patients waiting for a hip or knee replacement, please visit Joint School for helpful information, exercises and tools to help.


British Orthopaedic Association's latest message for patients awaiting surgery

The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) have issued a statement for patients who have been waiting to have routine non-emergency orthopaedic surgery.

There is a useful FAQs section on their website which addresses many questions relating to COVID-19 and its effect on orthopaedic services.

Mr Kosuge is pleased to announce that The Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) NHS Trust have resumed routine non-emergency orthopaedic surgery:

  • By collaborating with the local private provider, Rivers Hospital, orthopaedic operating for PAH patients commenced in June, albeit with reduced capacity.

  • More recently, operating at The Princess Alexandra Hospital has resumed and this will help increase capacity so that we can reach as many of our patients as possible.

The effect of the ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 on these services locally is unknown at present but the ‘BOA are keen to ensure that in a second wave the normal care of our patients is only suspended as a consequence of absolute necessity.’