COVID-19 second wave - effects on elective surgical activity at The Princess Alexandra Hospital

The increasing rates of COVID-19 due to the second wave has led to increasing patient admissions into The Princess Alexandra Hospital. Due to the loss of resources as a direct result of this, and along with the increasing ‘winter pressures’, it has affected our ability to provide routine elective surgery. The trust is reviewing the situation on a weekly basis but for the past three weeks, no elective in-patient orthopaedic surgery has taken place. Day surgery operations are still being performed on a selective basis. Please be aware that all emergency operations (e.g. fractures, infected joints) are still being performed.

Mr Kosuge is working with the hospital to look at ways to re-establish elective in-patient operating in a manner that meets the safety criteria required. It has been a challenge with regional COVID-19 rates increasing rather than falling. Rates of COVID-19 in many areas of Essex are now higher than the national average - e.g. Harlow 234.3 per 100 000 and England 156.2 per 100 000 in the week to 6th December 2020.

It was reassuring to see the COVID-19 vaccination programme roll-out last week. However, Mr Kosuge advises you to continue to remain vigilant and to adhere to the government rules pertaining to COVID-19. The NHS has published information about the vaccine.

The British Orthopaedic Association published their latest statement regarding elective activity, waiting lists and restarting. For patients waiting for a hip or knee replacement, please visit Joint School for helpful information, exercises and tools to help.
