Day-case or out-patient joint replacement surgery is defined as patient discharge on the same day of surgery. The advantage of day-case joint replacement surgery for patients is in the ability to recover and rehabilitate in the familiar surroundings of their own home. The shorter stay in hospital also limits the unnecessary exposure of patients with hospital staff and other patients, potentially reducing risks of complications.
Mr Kosuge was part of the multi-disciplinary team that devised day-case hip and knee replacement pathways at Rivers Hospital. Whilst not appropriate for all, it has been shown to be safe and effective in carefully selected patients. Over the past few months, Mr Kosuge has successfully performed day-case hip replacements on patients who fulfil the criteria and feedback from patients have been very positive:
‘I have had two total hip replacement procedures under the care of Mr Dennis Kosuge and the latter one carried out in April 2021 allowed me to return home on the evening of the operation, this is surely a remarkable achievement by any standards. The skills required to create such oustanding results are second to none and I cannot thank Dennis enough for the changes he has made to my mobility and life style.’
Are you motivated and willing to participate?
Have you got appropriate support at home?
Are you fit and healthy from the medical point of view (e.g. no significant heart or lung disease)?
You may be appropriate for day-case hip or knee replacement surgery if your answers to the above questions are all ‘Yes'. For further information, please do not hesitate to book a consultation with Mr Kosuge at Rivers Hospital in Sawbridgeworth.