Suspension of services due to COVID-19
Patient safety is paramount to Mr Kosuge. Due to COVID-19, Mr Kosuge has suspended all private work until further notice. This includes both out-patient consultations and in-patient surgery. He will not be accepting any new patient referrals during this time. Although new patient video/telephone consultations can and are being provided by surgeons, Mr Kosuge believes he cannot make confident management decisions without the ability to examine patients. For follow-up patients already under his care, he will ensure that he remains available for any urgent queries or problems. Please contact his secretary if you need further assistance.
Mr Kosuge apologises for the inconveniences this causes but trusts that patients will understand the unprecedented nature of the situation we find ourselves in. When it is deemed safe to resume face-to-face consultations, Mr Kosuge shall re-consider the above decision.
For advice regarding orthopaedic services and COVID-19, please visit click here.