Patient Information during COVID-19
An unprecedented number of orthopaedic patients have been affected by the COVID19 pandemic. The cancellation of routine non-emergency orthopaedic services has led to delay in diagnosis, investigations and management of patients. Services are resuming, but in a very selective and limited fashion due to resources still being diverted to ongoing COVID19 planning and management. Patients with painful conditions are struggling and those waiting for an operation are having to face the reality of waiting longer than in pre-COVID19 times.
Mr Kosuge is doing his best to try and re-establish his practice, both on the NHS and privately in order to help his patients as much as possible.
British Orthopaedic Association - patient information regarding COVID19.
Joint School app - a free, digital service aimed at patients who are waiting to have a hip or knee replacement.
Mr Kosuge recommends the above patient resources which he hopes will help patients in the interim.